Getting Life Insurance With Type 2 Diabetes in 2025

If you are shopping for or planning on getting life insurance with type 2 diabetes you may feel some anxiety.

You’re already living with a chronic disease and are trying to figure out how to live life. I am happy to tell you that we provide coverage without a waiting period 99% of the time for life insurance diabetes type 2.

Although you may have to answer a diabetes questionnaire for life insurance, we will explain everything to you with transparency so you can make a comfortable decision on your coverage.

We will go over what rating class is available when applying, how you will be able to get the best deal and the very simple process we have.

The Truth About Burial Insurance For Type 2 Diabetes

How does diabetes affect life insurance? Type 2 Diabetes (just like type 1 diabetes) can be easily managed today. Now, much progress has been made on how it can be treated.

Can a Type 2 senior diabetic get life insurance? Yes! absolutely!

Granted that you are serious about managing your diabetes and leading a healthy lifestyle.  If you’re looking to secure a burial or final expense insurance, you deserve the best policy there is.

Ready for this? You, as considered a pre-existing condition and a Type 2 Diabetic applicant, we can give you a final expense insurance policy with the best range of 10k to 40k full coverage benefit! 

Can I Get Life Insurance With Type 2 Diabetes, What You Need To Know

Final Expense Life Insurance No Exam

Can you be denied life insurance due to diabetes? No, not necessarily. In most cases, you will qualify for the Same Day Instant Approval, no waiting period, and no medical exam!

We here at have helped over 95% of our clients get the best final expense insurance policies from top-rated A+ insurance companies.

In most cases, adult children are inquiring about final expense policies for their parents. We will help you obtain the best policy for your mom or dad and it will give you peace of mind.

These insurance policies are “top of the line” when it comes to benefits and these have the lowest payment rates with immediate insurance coverage from day 1. 

But please remember, with us, with Type 2 Diabetes whether you’re in the best shape or not, no matter how mild or severe your condition is, we are certain that we can always give you the best possible burial or final expense insurance possible from top-rated A+ companies. 

What Is The Best Final Expense Insurance Policy

In this day and age of the insurance industry, the very best diabetes final expense insurance policy should have the lowest payment rates.  Immediate insurance coverage on day 1 (no waiting period).  And with innovative additional benefits and features.

These are sometimes called “Simplified” or “Level” policy types. These policies can only be offered by top-rated A+ insurance companies that specialize in final expense insurance. 

OK… so how can you secure the very best?

How To Get The Very Best Final Expense Insurance Policy If You Have Type 2 Diabetes

Do Life insurance companies test for diabetes? Final expense insurance is a simplified whole-life policy. They do not require an exam. However, you will be expected to be truthful regarding any health impairments you may have. Right now, reading this, you’re already on step 1, please fill out our instant quote toolbox at the right.

To get more details, please contact our seasoned independent Final Expense Insurance Specialists. Specializing in getting Type 2 Diabetes applicants a simplified or level type of final expense insurance. 

We will be with you every step of the way to guide you through the intricacies of every top-rated A+ insurance company that we know will see your present health condition the best. 

What Type Of Insurance Does Final Expense Fall Under

These are simplified whole-life policies.

Getting a simplified or level type of policy (which is the very best) means you have to undergo an underwriting process. (There is no medical exam.)

This is where you answer sets of questions from the insurance companies to let them assess your present condition and determine if you are eligible for a simplified/level type of policy. 

Final Expense Insurance And Type 2 Diabetes

What Are The Most Common Things Final Expense Insurance Carriers Ask About When Having Type 2 Diabetes

These are the common lifestyle questions. In fact standard questions, but they can heavily affect the quality of your final expense insurance offers 

  • Gender 
  • Weight 
  • Date of Birth 
  • Occupation 
  • Income 
  • Height 
  • Your Tobacco use 
  • Alcohol or drug abuse 
  • Lifestyle 

If any of your answers are untoward or i.e. you’re overweight, still to smokes tobacco, still drinking alcohol, etc. we would advise you to stop first.  But it doesn’t really matter because we can find you top-rated A+ insurance companies that are tolerant of their underwriting process. 

Burial Life Insurance Diabetes Questionnaire

Some Questions Will Be For Them To Know If You Have Other Diseases Associated With Your Type 2 Diabetes

  • Do you have constant high blood pressure? 
  • Have you ever experienced chest pains? 
  • Do you have abnormal ECG results? 

Another Set Of Questions Will Specifically Ask You Details About Having Type 2 Diabetes

  • How many units of insulin are you taking per day? 
  • What age were you diagnosed with diabetes? 
  • What prescriptions are you taking? 
  • Did you have an amputation due to diabetes? 
  • Have you gone into insulin shock
  • Have you ever been in a diabetic coma? 
  • Do you have neuropathy (nerve/circulatory issues due to diabetes)? 
  • Do you have retinopathy (eye issues due to diabetes)? 
  • Have you been diagnosed with nephropathy (kidney issues due to diabetes)? 

Some of the questions above are very serious about having Type 2 diabetes. So please, do not let your Type 2 diabetes come to these poor conditions and take good care of yourself.  Consult with a nutritionist and regularly visit your doctor. 

Now, if you answer negatively to one or more questions above i.e. having an amputation due to diabetes, having experienced insulin shock, kidney disease or diabetic coma, having retinopathy, etc. –  do not worry! 

What Is My Burial Insurance Rating

This is when it is critical to contact our Final Expense Insurance Specialists to help you answer these types of questions as truthfully as you can to still get a simplified/level type of policy. 

On other insurance companies, if you say yes or if your answer is unacceptable to any one of the things being asked above, they will flat-out reject your application. 

Can You Get Life Insurance If You Have Diabetes

Again, this is where our expert knowledge of the underwriting process of every top-rated A+ insurance company can mean the difference between you either being completely rejected, paying a lot more, OR paying the best price like a completely healthy person. 

But What If You Unavoidably Did Not Get An Offer For A Simplified Or Level Type Of Final Expense Insurance Policy As A Type 2 Diabetic

Don’t be worried even if you did not get a simplified or level type of policy. The good thing is that we can still help you get the next best policy offers. No matter how severe your Type 2 Diabetes condition may be. 

These Are The Next Best Policy Types If You Are Unable To Get A Simplified, Level, Or Preferred Type Of Final Expense Insurance Policy

Modified Policy 

This will be offered to applicants with some considerable risks with slightly increased payment rates with full benefits release if the client dies after the waiting time period. 

For instance, depending on the insurance company, these might be its features when the applicant passes away: 

  • Refund of all premiums paid plus interest within the waiting time period. 
  • Partial benefits release if you pass away within the waiting time period. 
  • Full benefits release if the applicant passes away by accident anytime. 

Denied Life Insurance Because Of Diabetes

Guaranteed Issue Policy 

This policy is not only great for senior citizens but also for ages 40 to 89 with serious illnesses. 

In fact, this policy can be secured within 30 minutes with same-day approval. This has no medical underwriting. It does not have any questions and will not evaluate your health at all. This has the highest payment rate with 2 year minimum waiting time period. 

Depending on the insurance company, it also has the same features as the modified: 

  • You get a refund of all premiums paid plus interest within the waiting time period. 
  • Also, partial benefits release if you pass away within the waiting time period. 
  • Full benefits release if the applicant passes away by accident anytime. 

So you’re still getting the best possible policy if you’re profiled as a moderate or high-risk applicant. 

Overall, it’s still important to secure a burial or final expense insurance policy to have peace of mind to not worry about our loved ones that we might leave behind. 

How Can Help You Get The Best Final Expense Insurance Policy

How to apply for burial or final expense life insurance?

We help people with Type 2 Diabetes get insurance policies from good companies. We have a lot of experience and a high success rate.

Our final expense insurance specialists can help you in any state. They know a lot about every final expense insurance company and how they make their decisions.

Also, no matter how severe your health condition is with type 2 diabetes, we can assure you that we can get you the next best possible insurance policies out there from the same top-rated A+ companies out there. 

Can You Get Life Insurance With Type 2 Diabetes

What Does A Burial Policy Cover for seniors with Type 2 Diabetes?

A burial policy is to cover your funeral or cremation when you pass away. It is meant to protect your loved ones from financial burdens when you die.

If you die today, would your family have the money to cover all the funeral costs? And give you the proper burial you wished for?

We only need a little bit of your time and trust us with your details for us to do the hard work for you and give you the very best. 

For more information on Type 2 Diabetes, CLICK HERE.

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Understanding the different life insurance options available for people with type 2 diabetes.

Whether you are looking to get coverage or make a change, we’ve got everything you need to know about life insurance and how it could impact your healthcare costs in the future.

In this guide, we break down what questions to ask yourself before purchasing life insurance as well as some of the most common types of policies so that you can find one that suits your needs best.

If all of this sounds intimidating and you want help enacting these principles, let us know. Our team has experts ready and waiting to partner with you!

Get started by filling out our quick quote form on the right today!

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