Insurance Company Partners, a Division of PinnacleQuote, and Founder and CEO Daniel Ray partner with numerous insurance companies to provide top-quality products for you and your family.

Our “Foundational Core” is to put “You” the client first. Below is the current list of our insurance partners.

Burial Insurance Provider Partners

Burial Insurance Providers

Year Established: 1853 | A.M. Best: A (Excellent)

Year Established: 1910 | A.M. Best: A- (Excellent)

Year Established: 1909 | A.M. Best: A- (Excellent)

Year Established: 1966 | A.M. Best: A- (Excellent)

Year Established: 1882 | A.M. Best: C++ (Marginal)

Year Established: 1964 | A.M. Best: NR

Year Established: 1874 | A.M. Best: A (Excellent)

Year Established: 1934 | A.M. Best: A- (Excellent)

Year Established: 1967 | A.M. Best: A (Excellent)

Year Established: 1936 | A.M. Best: A- (Excellent)

Year Established: 1958 | A.M. Best: A- (Excellent)

Year Established: 1909 | A.M. Best: A+ (Superior)

Year Established: 1877 | A.M. Best: NR

Year Established: 1895 | A.M. Best: A (Excellent)

Year Established: 1907 | A.M. Best: A (Excellent)

Year Established: 1965 | A.M. Best: A- (Excellent)

Year Established: 1997 | A.M. Best: NR

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