Getting The Best Whole Life Insurance For Diabetics In 2025

Can you get life insurance for diabetics? Yes, diabetes life insurance is available, with just a few questions being answered. If you have been declined, talk to us!

Diabetes is a chronic disease that impacts the way your body processes sugar. People with diabetes are at higher risk of heart and kidney disease, stroke, blindness, limb amputation, and death.

Many people suffering from diabetes require insulin injections to keep their blood sugar levels in check.

Burial Insurance For Diabetic Seniors provides assistance by providing peace of mind for those who have been diagnosed with diabetes or know someone who needs additional protection against the potential loss of their life due to complications associated with this illness.

Learn more about how Burial Insurance For Diabetic Seniors can help protect you or someone you love against the financial burden it may cause.

What Does A Burial Policy Cover For Diabetics

Is It Hard To Get Life Insurance With Diabetes

Can you be denied life insurance for diabetes?

Can a Type 2 Diabetic get life insurance?

What about a Type 1 diabetic?

I know you have so many questions. Life insurance when you have diabetes is not as difficult to obtain as you may think.

In fact, getting affordable life insurance for diabetics with day-one coverage is extremely obtainable.

Diabetes is considered a high-risk health impairment

But, if you control your diabetes and your a1c levels are maintained, you will find many final expense life insurance companies that are diabetic-friendly. 

Same-day approval of burial life insurance for diabetics is easier to obtain than you may think.  

Life Insurance For Type 1 Diabetes

Burial life insurance carriers will cover people with diabetes. Of course, this includes both Type 1 and type 2 diabetes. We specialize in insulin-dependent diabetics!!

Unlike term life insurance, same-day instant approval does not require medical exams regarding any possible risk factors in your health status. 

Once qualified, your burial life insurance coverage will be approved the same day!  Within a 30-minute time frame!  It just does not get any better than that!

Can I purchase burial insurance for diabetic seniors and parents?  Yes! You can buy burial insurance for your parents. Of course, they must have the knowledge and give consent.  

No Medical Exam Burial Insurance For Diabetics

The best burial insurance is a simplified whole-life policy. Is there a funeral insurance expiry age? NO! Again, this is a simplified whole-life policy that remains level for your entire life. 

There are no medical exams. That is right!!! No medical exam life insurance for diabetics

Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Diabetes

can I get funeral insurance if I have diabetes
Funeral Insurance For Diabetic seniors Instant Approval

Just like you want the best health insurance for type 2 diabetes, you will want the best life insurance as well!

What is the best life insurance for seniors?

Within a 30-minute time frame via phone with your agent and the insurance company, you will have a policy approved and active. 

By the time you are finished with your latte, you can go on enjoying life and have peace of mind that this task is checked off your to-do list! 

The death benefit amount for this type of policy ranges from $1,500 -$50,000, depending on the carrier and state in which you live. 

Read What Our Clients Say About Us

Funeral Insurance For The Elderly With Diabetes

Burial insurance is also known as:

  • Final expense insurance
  • Funeral insurance
  • Cremation insurance

Although they go by different names, they certainly all mean the same!

This whole life insurance for diabetics is guaranteed level coverage. Your premiums will NEVER increase, and your coverage will NEVER decrease!

The policies will pay out the death benefit to your beneficiary within 48-72 hours of your passing.

Your family will have peace of mind knowing they can celebrate your life and not have this financial burden on their shoulders. 

Can I Get Burial Life Insurance If I Have Diabetes

Is it possible to get affordable life insurance for people with diabetes?

You most certainly can qualify for burial life insurance for seniors with diabetes!

Whether you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, you can get a burial insurance policy.

You can even get a policy if you are insulin-dependent.  If you have your diabetes managed well, you will not have a problem.

If however, you have other contributing health conditions, we may have to see which carrier you will qualify with. 

Every insurance carrier has its own guidelines. Life insurance underwriting diabetes questions are fine as long as you have your diabetes under control. 

Best Burial Insurance Companies For Diabetics

What is the best insurance for diabetics?

Life insurance, when you have diabetes, may seem to be frustrating. But here is the thing, if you have your diabetes under control.

If you are taking medications for the maintenance of your diabetes, you will be OK.

Better yet, the real question is…

What is the best burial insurance for seniors?

Is there a waiting period for burial insurance?

There are many burial life insurance carriers to qualify with. So this depends on the type of policy you qualify for and with. In fact, to name a few of our favorite A+ Rated by A.M. Best, see below:

  • Royal Neighbors of America
  • Mutual of Omaha 
  • AIG Guaranteed Issue ~ No health questions asked. 2-year waiting period. This is a guaranteed acceptance carrier. When you do not or cannot qualify with any other carrier, this is your “go-to” carrier.

The truth is the best life insurance for diabetics, hands down, are the companies above that come to my mind first, but we do comparison shop you to dozens in one click of a button.

If you have other health impairments, we will find you the best fit!

Does AARP Offer Burial Insurance For Diabetics


Does AARP have burial insurance?

How much does it cost for burial insurance with AARP?  

First, be aware before you buy it!  Final expense insurance (burial Insurance) is a simplified whole-life policy. This is Permanent insurance that remains level for the rest of your life!

There are companies such as AARP that market to our senior community as a final expense.  However, it is a term policy and a permanent policy.

Often times without your knowledge, you get sold on the term policy, and it expires.

In addition, be aware when shopping for life insurance for elderly parents over 80. See below.

For one thing, this policy with AARP burial insurance will increase premiums every five years. Your premiums will likely triple over time. Forcing you to perhaps let it lapse. 

(They do not disclose this when you purchase.)

Then at age 80, it expires.  This leaves you with no policy at all. Now, you are older. In addition, your health is not in tip-top shape.

Many clients call us at age 80. Why? Because that is when they realized their policy that they have been overpaying for years has now expired.

Simplified whole life insurance for diabetics who need burial insurance is the only way to go!!!

With that said, save yourself or your loved ones a tremendous amount of time and frustration.  When looking at burial insurance for diabetic seniors, call us! 

Call Today and get the Same Day Instant Approval of burial insurance for diabetic seniors.  Save $$$ and your time ~ Priceless!

Centers For Disease Control And Prevention Statistics For Diabetics

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 9.4% of the US population already has type 1 or type 2 diabetes. That is over 30.3 million people. 

According to the CDC, there are over 7.2 million people who have diabetes and are not diagnosed and not being treated. This is a high-risk health condition when not treated properly. 

Other health issues can arise, such as obesity and high blood pressure. Controlling your diabetes and keeping your a1c level in line is extremely important!

How To Get Life Insurance For Your Parents​​​​ With Diabetes​​

If you are looking for burial insurance for your diabetic parent(s), give us a call. We can help you. 

Keep in mind your parents must be aware and give consent. They will also need to sign their application, whether that be a voice signature or an email signature. 

It is also important to realize you do not have to be in the same state. 

How Much Is Life Insurance For a Diabetic

Diabetes Life Insurance Quotes will determine the age of diagnosis and how many medications you take if you are taking insulin.

In addition, how many units a day and if you have any diabetic complications such as amputations, etc.

Final thoughts from

Planning for your later years can be overwhelming.  

We will guide you through the entire process. Comparing final expense insurance quotes with the right insurance company is easy. We will make the process so simplistic! 

Funeral Insurance For Seniors With Diabetes

Planning For Burial 

If you have put this off, Call Today for your whole life insurance quotes. We can send you a burial life insurance diabetes questionnaire today.  

Let’s get you qualified for burial insurance Same Day Instant Approval! 

For more information on diabetes and seniors: CLICK HERE.

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We hope you’ve found this article helpful in learning more about burial insurance for diabetic seniors. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at the contact information to the right.

Now that you know what it is and how it can be beneficial for your loved ones, we hope that you will consider getting quotes from one of our A+ carriers today!

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