What You Need To Know To Obtain Burial Insurance With Epilepsy in 2025

“What You Need To Know To Obtain Burial Insurance With Epilepsy” could be the introduction to an often daunting journey, especially for seniors who have epilepsy.

The quest for the right life insurance can seem like trekking through a thick jungle without a map. But don’t worry! Our comprehensive guide serves as a beacon, illuminating your way to affordable burial insurance.

It aims to help shield your family from looming financial responsibilities and bestow upon you the comfort of future security.

Understanding Epilepsy and Its Impact on Burial Insurance

First and foremost, let’s unpack epilepsy.

Epilepsy, a neurological disorder, manifests as sudden recurrent episodes of seizures.

These seizures are essentially changes in the brain’s electrical activity, causing temporary disruptions in messaging systems between brain cells.

Now, why is this important when discussing burial insurance? It’s simple. Living with a chronic condition like epilepsy can make life insurance a bit more challenging to acquire.

This is because insurance companies often perceive chronic conditions as high-risk factors. However, the good news is that it’s certainly not impossible to secure a plan that fits your needs, and we’re here to help you understand how burial insurance can work for you.

Now, why is this important when discussing burial insurance? It’s simple. Living with a chronic condition like epilepsy can make life insurance a bit more challenging to acquire.

This is because insurance companies often perceive chronic conditions as high-risk factors.

However, the good news is that it’s certainly not impossible to secure a plan that fits your needs, and we’re here to help you understand how burial insurance can work for you.

Securing Affordable Burial Insurance: A Step-by-Step Guide

Finding and securing affordable burial insurance doesn’t have to be a herculean task.

In fact, it can be as straightforward as following a recipe.

Our step-by-step guide walks you through the entire process, from comparing different policies, understanding the fine print, identifying potential discounts, and finally, sealing the deal. So, buckle up and let’s get started!

Firstly, honesty is the best policy, especially when it comes to insurance policies.

Be upfront about your epilepsy condition and how you manage it. This transparency can help build trust with insurance providers and can sometimes result in a more favorable plan.

Secondly, make sure you maintain regular check-ups. Your medical records can provide proof that your epilepsy is well-managed, which could help you secure a more affordable rate.

Lastly, lead a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and abstaining from risky habits such as smoking can positively influence your overall insurance rates.

Epilepsy And Final Expense Insurance Companies

Each and every insurance company has its own rules and guidelines to follow. With epilepsy, some companies may decline you, others will offer you level day one coverage.

There are a lot of insurance companies out there that welcome seniors who are looking for burial or final expense insurance coverage at the lowest cost with no waiting period.

This plan is called “simplified”, “preferred”, or “level” by the companies.

Thus, if you’re in your golden years and don’t have other health conditions that these insurers scrutinize closely, securing a simplified burial insurance plan should be a straightforward process for you.

In fact, there will be no need for any medical or physical exams when applying for burial insurance coverage- there are only health questions, in some instances, there are none and can get you approved within the day.

The bottom line is, no matter how severe your recurring seizures are or epilepsy, we here at InsuranceForBurial.com can absolutely find you the best possible final expense insurance for your situation.

Epilepsy Underwriting Process Of Final Expense Insurance Companies

In the underwriting process, insurance companies will ask health questions and review your history of prescribed medications.

Insurance companies will ask about the following aspects of your health:

  1. Questions about your present and past diseases (if there’s any) and lifestyle.
  2. Prescribed medication history assessment.

As a general rule: If a disease, disorder, treatment, living conditions, habit, types of assistance, etc., is or are asked, then the insurer is strict with it and it’s a high risk for them.

An example, for epilepsy, wheelchair usage is either a form of living condition or assistance that will be asked all the time in the underwriting questions.

Epilepsy In The Health Questions

Is Epilepsy considered a pre-existing condition? Many insurance companies will specifically ask or mention “epilepsy”, “seizure or recurring seizure” or “neurological disorder” which is a broader term that identifies with it.

Going through the health questions, here are the things that will be asked that involve having epilepsy:

  • Seizure or recurring seizures
  • Neurological conditions
  • Home health care
  • Wheelchair use
  • Needing assistance with activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, transferring, toileting and eating)

Other health questions commonly associated with epilepsy Assistance with home health care and activities of daily living (ADL).

Keep in mind, with any insurance company there are other health questions on their applications.

These questions will include other health impairments such as, heart issues, Atrial Fibrillation, Depression.

If you need home health care and ADL assistance, you would disqualify from most insurance companies’ burial or final expense insurance is underwritten insurance plans, which means they can only offer you a “guaranteed issue (GI)” plan.

However, there is only one burial insurance company that can offer better coverage than a GI plan.

This company can offer a “Graded” burial insurance plan (with some immediate protection) for anyone with epilepsy in need of ADL and home health care assistance- this is the best option.

Life Insurance Epilepsy

Need To Use A Wheelchair

Wheelchair use will ALWAYS come up in the underwriting health questions of insurance companies. These are the common questions about how wheelchair usage is asked:

  1. Are you confined to a wheelchair?
  2. Are you confined to a wheelchair due to a chronic disease or illness?

Regrettably, if you answer yes to both questions, a significant number of insurance companies will decline your application.

Unfortunately, having a chronic disease and being reliant on a wheelchair is a combination that will make you ineligible for burial or final expense insurance from most insurance providers.

In this case, your last resort and the ONLY option is a “Guaranteed issue (GI)” plan that has no underwriting questions and no prescribed medication review required.

A GI plan will cost more and have a full 24 months waiting time period.

Understanding Neurological Conditions in Insurance Terms

Insurance companies often use broader terminology in their underwriting questions.

Unfortunately, if your answer is yes to both questions, a lot of insurance companies will decline your application.

A case of having a chronic disease and being on a wheelchair combination will render you uninsurable by most insurance companies for burial or final expense insurance.

The Crucial Role of Final Expense Insurance Specialists in Navigating Underwriting Questions

As you explore the underwriting questions pertaining to epilepsy more thoroughly, you might come across rephrased or differently presented inquiries.

An underwriting question may appear straightforward, leading you to think it’s simple enough to answer on your own.

However, any uncertainty in your responses could result in reduced benefits, or in the worst case, none at all.

This is where our expertise becomes vital in securing the best possible coverage.

Our experienced Final Expense Insurance Specialists can provide valuable guidance in answering underwriting questions, helping you avoid inadequate or excessive responses.

Moreover, a seasoned independent agent can promptly present insurance coverage options from top-rated insurance companies that are best suited to your health profile, based on your responses to underwriting questions.

Regardless of your situation, it’s imperative to connect with a reputable independent agent.

Prescribed medication history assessment

To thoroughly investigate if you have other conditions that they might take issues with.

Insurance companies will review your prescribed medication history. Basically, by reviewing your prescriptions, they will be aware of the health issues you have or had.

Below is a list of prescription drugs for epilepsy.

If you are taking one of two of these, almost all of the insurance companies will presumptively consider you as an applicant with epilepsy no matter how you answered the underwriting health questions.

  • Carbamazepine (Carbatrol or Tegretol)
  • Clonazepam (Klonopin)
  • Diazepam (Valium)
  • Eslicarbazepine (Aptiom)
  • Ethosuximide (Zarontin)
  • Felbamate (Felbatol)
  • Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
  • Levetiracetam (Keppra)
  • Lacosamide (VIMPAT)
  • Lorazepam (Ativan)
  • Oxcarbazepine (Oxtellar XR, Trileptal)
  • Perampanel (Fycompa)
  • Phenobarbitol
  • Phenytoin (Dilantin)
  • Pregabalin (Lyrica)
  • Tiagabine (Gabitril)
  • Topiramate (Topamax)
  • Valproate (Depakene, Depakote)
  • Zonisamide (Zonegran)

While there may be others, insurers frequently identify these as the common seizure medications for someone with recurring seizures.

Possible Burial Or Final Expense Insurance Plan Offers For Epilepsy

Offer #1 Your application is declined

Some insurance companies just simply don’t want to take the risk with applicants that have epilepsy or recurring seizure conditions.

If you move forward with us, you won’t encounter this situation.

Offer #2 Highest premium with a waiting time period

Insurance companies usually call this a “Modified” plan. This will probably mean that you are categorized at the highest risk.

The monthly premiums will cost 30 to 100% more than a simplified plan. It will also have a 24 months waiting period where your beneficiaries can only receive full death benefits if you pass away after the waiting time period.

If you pass away within the waiting time period, all premiums will be refunded with a certain percentage interest.

When it comes to epilepsy, a “guaranteed issue” plan might be a better option where the premiums would cost 15 to 40% more with a full 24 months waiting time period.

Good to know: It will always be a good decision to consult with a highly experienced Final Expense Insurance Specialists that can help you do the math and help you decide which offer would be the best for you, in terms of benefits and affordability.

Offer #3 Slightly higher premium with immediate protection of a percentage payout per period

Percentage payout per time period is usually called a “Graded” plan.

The monthly premiums will cost 15 to 50% more with a waiting time period of 24 months. This will have partial immediate protection.

Immediate benefits are usually the following.

  • 30 to 40% of the full death benefit will be paid if you pass away within the FIRST 12 months.
  • 70 to 80% of the full death benefit will be paid if you pass away within the SECOND 12 months.
  • After the 2 years waiting time period, you will be fully insured for life.

Offer #4 Lowest cost with immediate coverage (best plan)

This plan is usually called “simplified”, “preferred”, or “level” depending on the insurance companies.

With all else being well, you can be offered with this plan like a perfectly healthy person.

This will be the best-priced burial insurance plan with no waiting time period- your beneficiaries can receive the full death benefit anytime starting from day one.

How To Quickly Find The Best Burial Or Final Expense Insurance For Epilepsy

Here’s a COMPLETE list of the qualities that you should be looking for in an insurance plan and the insurance company that offers it:

  1. The insurance company with the lowest monthly premium.
  2. The insurance company that can offer the best plans for different situations with epilepsy.
  3. The policy has the highest benefit payment that can protect you sooner.

The insurance agency that you would need to move forward with must have the following qualities when it comes to finding burial coverage for epilepsy:

  1. The agency must be independent to have access to a lot of different insurance companies that can possibly offer the best coverage.
  2. The agency must have insurance agents that are highly experienced burial or final expense insurance specialist that have the passion to help you! Not the companies.
  3. The agency only offers the best policies from the country’s top-rated insurance companies that have stood the test of time in the insurance industry with stable finances and a proven track record.

We here at InsuranceForBurial.com can exactly get you these coverage qualities for epilepsy.

We have successfully helped a lot of clients with epilepsy secure coverage plans from the country’s top-rated insurance companies that have stood the test of time and challenges in the insurance industry.

Final Expense Policy And Your Parents

Are you looking to get a final expense policy for your parents?

Whatever your epilepsy situation may be, we can present you with the best possible offers by working hard and with the use of our well-earned knowledge of the underwriting questions and rates of every top-rated burial or final expense insurance company that we represent.

Our independent insurance agency boasts a team of highly experienced Final Expense Insurance Specialists. They have access to top-tier insurance policies from the country’s highest-rated A+ insurance companies. These policies offer innovative additional benefits at no additional cost.

We have the driving passion to make sure that EVERYONE gets the best burial or final expense insurance coverage in the market! No matter what their health issues are.

With us guided by your health details, we will only come back to you with the best options for your situation with epilepsy.

Talk to us now! We promise you a simple no-nonsense interview process with no pressure at all whatsoever.

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Yes, living with epilepsy can present unique challenges, but securing affordable burial insurance shouldn’t be one of them.

With understanding and careful planning, you can find the right plan that will give you peace of mind and protect your family from financial stress.

Lastly, the ultimate goal is to ease the burden on your loved ones during a difficult time, and with this comprehensive guide, we hope to help you accomplish just that.

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