Burial insurance with Sarcoidosis: What You Need To Know In 2025

In this article burial insurance with sarcoidosis, we will go over everything you need to know about Sarcoidosis and how insurance carriers look at this health impairment.

It is no secret that having a life-threatening illness such as sarcoidosis can be a costly experience. In fact, most think they can not get burial insurance with sarcoidosis, but that is not true!

The financial burden of a severe diagnosis is often overwhelming, from expensive treatments and hospital bills to lost income. It can be especially true for those who cannot work due to illness.

Many people turn to burial insurance to protect their loved ones from having to bear the cost of their final expenses. Sarcoidosis is a life-threatening illness that can cause individuals to lose their jobs and ability to earn an income.

Additionally, those suffering from sarcoidosis may face other serious health issues that make it challenging to work. Sometimes, these individuals may lose their life due to the disease.

If you have been diagnosed with sarcoidosis and are concerned about this type of coverage, here are a few things you need to know about burial insurance with sarcoidosis:

What is Burial Insurance With Sarcoidosis?

Burial insurance with sarcoidosis is a type of insurance that provides coverage for funeral expenses if you die before your policy has expired.

These policies are often referred to as burial, protection, or funeral plans. The Sarcoidosis Burial Insurance program is designed for people with sarcoidosis.

Sarcoidosis is an autoimmune disease that affects the lungs and other organs in your body. In sarcoidosis, your body’s immune system attacks healthy tissue in your lungs and other organs, causing inflammation and scarring.

The Sarcoidosis Burial Insurance program provides up to $40,000 benefits toward funeral costs and final expenses in death due to sarcoidosis.

This policy can be used by anyone who has been diagnosed with sarcoidosis or has a family member who has been diagnosed with sarcoidosis.

Symptoms of Sarcoidosis:

Sarcoidosis is a disease that affects the lymph nodes, lungs, skin, eyes, and other organs. It can cause a variety of symptoms, making it difficult to diagnose.

The following are the most common symptoms of sarcoidosis:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Frequent coughing
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Fatigue (feeling tired)
  • Night sweats (waking up sweating) or fever with night sweats
  • Weight loss or unintentional weight gain without dieting or exercise

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Best Insurance Policy Option For Sarcoidosis

If you have sarcoidosis, then the type of burial insurance you will qualify for will depend on the severity of your condition.

Death is always a challenging transition in life – and many people like to prepare by providing their loved ones peace of mind with burial insurance.

Mild Sarcoidosis:

There is not much to worry about when you have mild sarcoidosis. It’s generally easy to treat, unlikely to be life-threatening, and will usually go away by itself.

Scratching requires minimal treatment, consisting of only taking a few pills. Due to the condition’s treatability, life insurance providers typically see Mild Sarcoidosis as low risk for claimants.

When an applicant gets diagnosed with sarcoidosis, they are usually eligible for first-day coverage by most life insurance companies.

It is a level death benefit policy because it provides the largest payout. There is usually no waiting period to submit your application for this policy.

Moderate Sarcoidosis:

If your sarcoidosis is moderate and minimal treatment is required, you may qualify for first-day full coverage with some burial insurance companies.

If you don’t have other health problems, there’s a good chance of qualifying for the low rate. You must show that your sarcoidosis went away, or you’re only taking minimal treatment.

Sarcoidosis doesn’t usually interfere with health. However, if it is a moderate or worse level, enrolling on the first day when you haven’t met all the requirements may not be permitted.

Severe Sarcoidosis:

For those with severe symptoms or complications due to sarcoidosis, it will offer guaranteed issue burial insurance.

It is also likely to be the plan you would be offered if you have less severe sarcoidosis and other health conditions. It’s pretty hard to get a policy for sarcoidosis that is guaranteed.

The only thing that can qualify you for a GI (guaranteed issue) policy is if you have one of the extreme complications, like supplemental oxygen or assistance with daily activities.

All life insurance companies require you to be healthy when entering the policy and have no severe complications.

Burial insurance that provides a guaranteed death benefit is subject to a two-year waiting period before full coverage for death’s natural causes.

Sarcoidosis And Supplemental Oxygen:

Some people with sarcoidosis have trouble breathing because they have inflammation of the lungs, but they may need to use supplemental oxygen.

Have you ever wondered why all life insurance providers ask whether you use an oxygen tank during the application? The exception is that they only care if it’s for sleep apnea.

This supplemental oxygen is:

“Within the last year, were you advised using supplemental oxygen, excluding sleep apnea.”

It is difficult to qualify for a level death benefit or first-day coverage if you need supplemental oxygen equipment to breathe.

No insurance company currently offers first-day coverage for those who use supplemental oxygen regularly.

However, as long as you buy supplemental life insurance and have no health issues, it will be easy to get your initial term life policy.

Do I need a Medical Test to Qualify For Burial Insurance With Sarcoidosis?

No. There is no medical test required to qualify for burial insurance with sarcoidosis.

When you apply for funeral insurance, you’ll need to answer a few questions about your health. You won’t need to submit any medical reports or urine or blood samples.

And you’ll usually get official approval from the insurance provider in minutes!

Burial Insurance Underwriting For Sarcoidosis

What information do they typically request during the underwriting process?

  • Typically ask about your overall health and any other illnesses you may have.
  • They will also ask about your history of prescribed medications.

It determines your risk for certain diseases, including heart disease. How high or low your risk is can help you take action on any health issues you may have and prevent potential health problems in the future.

Burial insurance for sarcoidosis patients is easy. As long as the company doesn’t ask about your condition, it doesn’t play any role in the process.

The waiting period for sarcoidosis coverage is eliminated, and the rates are the lowest for this condition.

Health Concern:

Most burial insurance companies will ask this question multiple ways. Typically be asked in many ways. The following are questions that you will see when applying for sarcoidosis:

  • Have you ever been diagnosed with sarcoidosis or another lung disease?
  • Are you recently taking any medications that could affect the underwriting of your policy?
  • How long have you had this condition?
  • What treatments are you currently receiving for this condition (if any)?
  • Have you received treatment for sarcoidosis?
  • Have you had any surgery for sarcoidosis?
  • Do you currently have any symptoms of sarcoidosis?

Check The Prescription history:

The insurance company will need to know about the medications you’re currently taking, including the generic name and the dosage amount. It is to make sure you’re in good health and that we don’t find any issues.

Most Sarcoid Patients receive no prescriptions at all, and those who do usually get prednisone, hydroxychloroquine, or methotrexate.

Our Carrier Partners will not have an issue covering Sacoidosis. However, each have treatment guidelines that can cause an adverse decision. Thats is why talking to us ewe will narrow it down to the best option.

Carrier Partner Rate Class

Custom Table
Insurance Provider Classification
American Amicable (Senior Choice) Immediate
CFG Elite
CVS (Aetna Accendo) Preferred
Foresters (PlanRight) Preferred
GPM Level
Great Western Level
Liberty Bankers Preferred
Mutual of Omaha (Living Promise) Level
Royal Arcanum (SIWL) Level
Royal Arcanum (Whole Life) Level
Royal Neighbors Level
SBLI (Living Legacy) Preferred
Security National (Loyalty Plan) Preferred
Sentinel New Vantage I (Level)
Trinity Life Level

Compare Quotes From The Top 18 A/A+ Rated Carriers Instantly

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Benefits of Having Burial Insurance With Sarcoidosis

The benefits of having burial insurance can be many, including:

  • Burial insurance also gives you peace of mind that it will take care of your loved ones if anything unexpected happens to you. It ensures that your wishes are followed through, from cremation or burial to memorial services especially when you are over 85.
  • If you have children or other dependents, burial insurance can help pay for the cost of raising them until they become self-sufficient adults (usually around age 18).
  • The peace of mind that comes from knowing that you will take care of any legal matters to make sure that everything goes smoothly
  • If you have unpaid debts or mortgages after death, burial insurance can help pay off those obligations so your loved ones don’t have to deal with them when mourning their loss.

How To Get The Best Burial Insurance With Sarcoidosis?

InsuranceForBurial.com is an independent agency helping people with sarcoidosis find the right life insurance policy.

We understand the challenges of finding adequate coverage, and we’re here to help you every step of the way.

We will assist you in finding the best insurance plan for your needs and budget. You don’t have to waste time searching for multiple companies because we will do it for you.

We work with numerous different insurance companies that specialize in covering high-risk clients. We’ll search through them and match you up with the company that offers the best rate.

InsuranceForBurial.com can help you get the coverage you need at a price you can afford. So if you’re looking for sarcoidosis burial insurance, sarcoidosis funeral insurance, or sarcoidosis life insurance, we can help.


Sarcoidosis is a severe and life-threatening disease, but it does not have to mean the end of your life. If you have been diagnosed with sarcoidosis, you may be wondering if you are eligible for burial insurance.

You may be concerned about your burial expenses if you have been diagnosed with sarcoidosis. Luckily, burial insurance is available to those with pre-existing conditions, such as sarcoidosis.

Apply online today to get a quote and find affordable burial insurance.

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