Open Care Senior Plan: Review and 2025 Rate Analysis

Planning for future expenses is crucial, and selecting the right insurance plan is a significant part of that process.

The Open Care Senior Plan offers coverage options tailored for seniors, but understanding its legitimacy and current rates is essential.

This article provides an in-depth review of the Open Care Senior Plan, including an analysis of its 2025 rates, to help you make an informed decision.

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Open Care Final Expense Coverage Plans, Who Are They

The Florida agency, Open Care Seniors is a legitimate and well-known independent insurance agency that specializes in selling final expense life coverage without a medical exam.

Is Open Care life insurance agency legit?

Well, they also sell term life insurance policies for those who need them as well as accidental death coverages with Medicare plans product alternatives to help protect you from outliving your money!

Open Care Senior Plan offers three types of life insurance products: 

  • Final expense insurance, 
  • Term life insurance, and 
  • Guaranteed issue life insurance.

Although term life insurance you will probably outlive coverage as only 98% of term policies actually payout. They offer coverage between $25,000 – $500,000 for adults age 18-75.

It’s hard finding information about this business but our research uncovered some interesting facts such as their long list of commercials on TV showcasing $25k worth of free benefits available only through the insurer’s services – talk about persuasive advertising huh?

Open Care Final Expense Life Insurance is the same type of plan you should never take seriously. It’s not surprising that there are so many different rates for this company, with some starting at only $7.49 per month!

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Another Gimmick? Also, READ THE FINE PRINT!!

A similar option from Colonial Penn will set your family back $9.95 – but don’t be fooled by them because if anything happens to one person in our family that has this policy they will find out coverage goes down every year you get older.

So it’s important to make sure you have a reputable company that pays end-of-life expenses with a guaranteed death benefit. But overall, life insurance policies provide instant day-one coverage is what you want.

These policies’ death benefit remains level, unlike other gimmicks like Colonial Penn $9.95 Plan.

Check with multiple companies by speaking to a national independent agent like us. If you are in good to moderate health you can find much better options than a waiting period policy like Mutual of Omaha, or Trinity Life.

What are Open care Final Expense Plans Cost

How much does Open Care cost? Below we will compare Open Car rates to the best rates we offer.

The price of a policy will depend on various factors such as your health history.

If you’re healthy, there’s no need to worry about your rates going up because they have an affordable base package available for $7.49 per month.

This covers non-smokers and people who don’t smoke over 12 months ago.

For those with higher health care needs or seeking coverage amount greater than what is included in this basic plan however prices start getting expensive!

Below I’ve listed some examples given my own personal experience shopping around online. These are a comparison of Open Care best rates versus the best rates available:

Female Non Smoker Rates vs Best Rates ($10,000 Example)

Age N/S Rate Best N/S Rate
40 $21.08 $16.12
50 $26.04 $21.08
60 $35.96 $29.76
70 $52.08 $47.12
80 $104.16 $91.76
90 $254.20 $294.72

Female Smoker Rates vs Best Rates ($10,000 Example)

Age Smoker Rate Best Smoker Rate
40 $26.04 $21.08
50 $33.48 $28.52
60 $48.36 $39.68
70 $73.16 $63.24
80 $126.48 $116.56
90 $283.80 $328.20

Male Non Smoker Rates vs Best Rates ($10,000 Example)

Age N/S Rate Best N/S Rate
40 $23.56 $17.36
50 $31.00 $23.56
60 $44.64 $35.96
70 $74.40 $59.52
80 $136.40 $116.56
90 $299.68 $348.44

Male Smoker Rates vs Best Rates ($10,000 Example)

Age Smoker Rate Best Smoker Rate
40 $29.76 $22.32
50 $40.92 $29.76
60 $63.24 $45.88
70 $116.56 $76.88
80 $207.16 $133.92
90 $312.48 $361.68

***As you can see, Open Care Senior Plan is consistently 25% higher in price than the best rates in the industry.

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What Is The Process Of Open Care Life Final Expense Plans

Open Care final expense plans are available for up to $50,000 in a death benefit. It’s a whole-life policy where prices never increase.

In fact, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing your loved one’s final expenses will be taken care of.

Most importantly, without any hassle or stress. In addition, it even builds cash value!

Open Care senior plan offers Insurance with two options to choose from.

The guaranteed acceptance plan means that you do not have to answer any medical questions or health questions. You are guaranteed to be approved, even if you are sick or have been sick in the past.

However, there is a 2-year waiting period before the death benefit begins, during which time you will not get any death benefit payments if you die.

Keep in mind, even if you can’t perform ALL of the activities of daily living and need home health care, we can assist you.

The monthly payment is usually significantly higher as well. So make sure this is your last resort. And ALWAYS read the fine print.

On the other hand, simplified issue are for healthy applicants where all applicants must answer some basic questions like medical questions or health questions regarding their medical backgrounds but qualification depends on what they say.

These simplified issue life policies are usually better priced like AETNA/CVS Final Expense.

Pros and Cons Of Open Care Final Expense Plan

Open Care Burial Insurance is an excellent option for senior citizens looking for a way to pay for their funerals and burials.

When you choose Open Care Senior Plan, you will get the help of a licensed funeral director, who will take care of everything from the viewing to the burial.

You can choose from several different plans, depending on how much coverage you want to spend on your funeral and burial expenses.

There are also many options available, including open-casket funerals and cremation services, as well as caskets that can be personalized with family photos and other mementos.

The care cost of an open casket funeral varies depending on where it’s held – at home or a funeral home or chapel – but most range between $5,000 and $10,000 per service (plus any other fees).

You can also have an open-casket viewing before your funeral, which is especially helpful if no close family members are available to attend your service (or if they live too far away).

It can help ease any tension that may have arisen over the 30 years as you’ve grappled with the guilt and grief accompanying your passing.

Pros Cons
😐First Day Coverage (Strict UW) 😡Not an Insurance Company (That They Portray)
😕Online Application (Can’t see rates until you provide information) 😡Not transparent on companies they sell
😊No Medical Exam Required 😒Look back of 4 years on health (Most carriers have a two-year look back)
😁Seniors up to age 90 can apply 😡They advertise super low rates (Based on $2,000, age 50)
😊Credit Card payments/checking 😡Highly Deceptive ads
😊Living Benefits Rider (Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke) 😡Extremely Overpriced
😶 Nothing good left to say 😕Confusing Unit System
😶 👎Lots of negative reviews online

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The type of Open care senior plans will be dependent on if you medically qualify.

Open Care final expense plan is a senior insurance plan or end-of-life insurance needs. The difference between this and the regular Opencare plan is that they don’t immediately cover you once approved.

This is a guaranteed issue plan that doesn’t ask any health questions.

Although it is a whole life insurance policy, it does not even come close to the best available. Gerber life offers a pretty good GI. Yes, Gerber Life is the baby food maker.

Instead of requiring an additional two-year waiting period before coverage begins which time your premiums are refunded with interest added onto them (interest rates on death benefits).

In fact, we only offer these types of policies to consumers that have major health issues like heart disease, kidney disease, cancer, or dementia.

So if you don’t have these you should not be getting a two-year term waiting period policy.

Instead, you should be in a level benefit whole life with affordable premiums to cover burial expenses like Mutual of Omaha Living Promise.

This way when that day comes you will be able to take care of the funeral and other final expenses.

We are a national insurance brokerage, which means we match you up with the best carrier for your individual profile.

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What Is Opencare Term life Policy

The insurance agency has a temporary senior plan with a $25,000-$500K limit for adults 18-75 for temporary needs. The Opencare life insurance policy is term insurance only available to those already medically qualified.

While most people don’t use this plan to cover funeral costs, Open Care Final Expense plans are a great tool for covering temporary obligations like living expenses.

For example, if you happen to die before your mortgage is paid off and have term life insurance plans available which provide additional benefits for the life of the term.

However, there’s no guaranteed acceptance plans option so it’s important you check your eligibility before applying!

If you are looking for life insurance for your grandparents, be sure to shop around to cover final expenses.

Open Care Final Expense Insurance Plans, How Do They Work

Open care senior plan is final expense life insurance or burial insurance that provides peace of mind. It’s just like regular life insurance from an insurance company, but with one important difference: you don’t have to take a medical exam.

Simply buy a policy and be on your way – it’ll cover everything from headstones right down to urns for cremation ceremonies so that when someone close dies there are no questions left unanswered at their funeral home reception desk. Just like a Gerber life policy.

Get the best burial insurance and never worry about outliving your death benefit, unlike a term life insurance plan.

Open Care Senior Plan Final Expense whole life provides:

  • Permanent protection, as long as you pay your premiums (and don’t die before getting old), no one can cancel due to age or health issues; –
  • No premium increases for LIFETIME! The best Burial policy is designed not to have any at all ages–it’s an investment for today AND tomorrow… Forever!!!
  • First-day coverage covers the full regardless of its natural causes like cancer(or accidental) death. Even though we’re talking about life here but hey who knows what could happen anymore so why to take chances

Burial life insurance is a great way to ensure that you have all your bases covered. An Open Care senior plan is a final expense plan that offers between $5K and 50k in protection with no medical exam, so it’s never too late for peace of mind!

What You Need To Look Out For Before Buying A Open Care Final Expense Policy

The one thing you need to be aware of is the waiting period. Open care frequently and prominently advertises how they cannot deny a death benefit for their product, which is true for people 85 years old or younger.

However, any company that sells guaranteed issue plans life insurance will always have a 2 year wait time before your application can actually go into effect-not bad considering most policies nowadays offer at least this much protection!

If you have a loved one that is 40 years old or older that passed away, chances are they didn’t purchase an Open Care policy-which is likely a good thing because it prevents them from getting denied a death benefit.

Below you will find other final expense insurance companies to avoid.

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Why Open Care Final Expense Plan Is NOT the Best Place To Purchase Final Expense Insurance

It would seem that the only way to know for sure if a company is reputable and trustworthy or not, are with negative reviews online.

But since there aren’t any of those on their website, you have no choice but to take them at face value when they say things like “we offer great service.”

We cannot always be too careful about who we trust in this world where bad news seems inevitable!

That said though – having multiple insurance companies offering similar burial life insurance coverage can help ensure getting an affordable price without sacrificing quality by comparing offers from each firm individually before making your final decision.

One of our go-to life insurance companies is American Amicable and AETNA CVS/Health from Accendo life insurance company and of course Mutual of Omaha.

Other carriers we work with are Prosperity Life Group (Only cigarettes considered tobacco rates), Liberty Bankers Life (Great For Bipolar Disorder/COPD which is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), Guarantee Trust Life (Up to Age 90) which has a limited graded death benefit.

Open Care Life Insurance Facts

An Open Care life insurance policy can provide up to $25,000-$500k of temporary term life insurance coverage for adults 18-75.

Medically qualified applicants qualify for a term life insurance policy through Open Care life insurance agency.

There is an option in the Open care life insurance plan to cover short-term obligations, but most people don’t use it to cover funeral expenses.

Before applying for Open Care Senior life insurance, or an Open Care Final Expense Plan verify your eligibility since there are no guaranteed acceptance options.

Read all Open Care Final Expense reviews to be sure you’re eligible.

Here are some key factors about Open Care Life Insurance:

  1. Our coverage starts is 2,000. The maximum amount of coverage through Open Care Final Expense plans is $50,000.
  2. Senior living plans are available from Open care senior, including whole and term life insurance.
  3. There is a 2-year waiting period for Open care policies.
  4. You do not need to take a medical exam to qualify.
  5. An Open care policy best serves seniors who do not have life insurance.

Is Opencare Final Expense Plans Worth It?

Here’s how to calculate: Suppose a female age 60 decides to buy a $10,000 final expense insurance. She will pay $32/month to ensure her family has $10,000 for any final expenses. She will be at risk of: 

Death within two years – if our insured passes away within the first two years of her policy, she may have paid 24 x $32 = $768 in premiums, but her family will be entitled to a lump-sum payment of $10,000 at her death.

Living to age 85 – Our insured would have paid $9600 in premiums if she lived to age 85 because she would have paid: 25 years x 12 months x 32 = $9600, but her family would receive a $10,000 benefit.

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What is Open Care Senior Plan?

Open Care Senior Plan refers to a range of life insurance products tailored specifically for seniors. These plans typically offer coverage for final expenses, medical costs, and other financial needs for older adults.

Who is eligible for Open Care Senior Plan?

Eligibility for Open Care Senior Plan usually includes individuals who are seniors, generally starting from age 50 to 90. Specific age requirements can vary based on the policy details.

What benefits does Open Care Senior Plan provide?

Benefits often include coverage for funeral expenses, outstanding debts, and other end-of-life costs. Some plans may also offer living benefits, which can help cover medical expenses incurred during the policyholder’s lifetime.

Are medical exams required to qualify for Open Care Senior Plan?

Many Open Care Senior Plans do not require a medical exam for enrollment. Instead, they might require answering health questions on the application form.

How does one apply for Open Care Senior Plan?

Applications for Open Care Senior Plan can typically be completed online or over the phone. Some plans may require the assistance of a licensed insurance agent.

What are the premium rates for Open Care Senior Plan?

Premiums vary based on several factors, including the age of the applicant, the amount of coverage desired, and the specific policy terms. Rates are usually fixed and do not increase with age.

Can the coverage amount be adjusted after the policy is in place?

Adjustments to coverage amounts depend on the specific policy terms. Some plans may allow increases or decreases in coverage, while others may not.

Is there a waiting period for Open Care Senior Plan?

Certain policies may have a waiting period before full benefits are payable, especially for death due to natural causes. Accidental death is typically covered from the date of policy activation.

How can beneficiaries claim benefits under Open Care Senior Plan?

Beneficiaries must submit a claim form along with a certified copy of the death certificate. Additional documentation may be required depending on the policy and the cause of death.

Where can I find more information about Open Care Senior Plan?

More detailed information can be obtained directly from the insurance provider’s website or by contacting their customer service department.


Open Care Senior insurance plan is a great way to get coverage for your loved ones. The program is affordable and provides a wide range of coverage options.

If you are looking for a way to get affordable coverage for your loved ones, this is a great option. has a team of experienced licensed agents passionate about finding the best life burial insurance policy for you. In fact, no matter your health or current condition.

We have a great deal of experience in this field. Furthermore, we’re dedicated to providing the best possible service to our customers.

We hope you’ve found the information in this post useful. If you have any questions about our final expense plan, please get in touch with us.

You can reach us at ce*@In****************.com or call us at 855-380-3300 and we will be happy to answer your questions!

We are a family-owned independent agency that is passionately focused on providing you with the best deal. We focus on no waiting period policies so families’ peace of mind is intact.

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