How To Get Burial Insurance With Multiple Sclerosis In 2025
When you’re diagnosed with MS and the challenges it brings, your first instinct may be to go into survival mode. You may feel like you need to take every precaution to protect yourself from even the slightest risk of anything wrong happening.
However, as with any new diagnosis, MS can bring up a lot of fears and anxiety around mortality and your final days on this earth. But that doesn’t mean you have to stop enjoying life or put all activities on the back burner indefinitely.
Purchasing burial insurance may not be at the top of your list right now. Still, it is an essential consideration for anyone looking ahead toward retirement or who has loved ones they want to leave behind when they pass.
And while some people may assume that because of their diagnosis, getting burial insurance would be impossible – or at least very expensive – there are, in fact, several policies available at reasonable rates for those with MS.
Article Navigation
- What is Burial Insurance with Multiple Sclerosis?
- Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis:
- What does Burial Insurance with Multiple Sclerosis cover?
- Best insurance policy options for Multiple Sclerosis
- Other Factors That Affect Eligibility
- Do I need a medical test to qualify for burial insurance with Multiple Sclerosis?
- Burial Insurance Underwriting With multiple sclerosis
- Benefits of having burial insurance for multiple sclerosis
- What Information Do We Need If You Have Multiple Sclerosis?
- How To Find The Best Burial Insurance With Multiple Sclerosis
- Conclusion
What is Burial Insurance with Multiple Sclerosis?
Burial insurance with MS is a type of life insurance that helps your family pay for the funeral and burial costs if you cannot do so. It can help relieve some financial stress during this difficult time.
It’s essential to consider getting burial insurance before it becomes necessary. It can help you avoid paying higher premiums later in life since insurers are more likely to deny coverage if your medical history indicates a pre-existing condition such as MS.
If you’re diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, there are many things to consider. You may have concerns about your income and the cost of treatment, but you may also want to think about how your final arrangements will be handled.
Burial insurance can help take some of the burdens off your family members during an already difficult time.
Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis:
Unlike symptoms of metastatic cancer, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease in which your immune system attacks the protective sheath around your nerve cells, called myelin. It can cause many symptoms and problems with mobility, balance, sensation, strength, and vision.
Symptoms may include:
- Fatigue: Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of MS. It can interfere with your ability to work, commute and participate in social activities.
- Difficulty walking or muscle weakness: Some people with MS have difficulty walking or need a cane or wheelchair for mobility. Other people may experience muscle weakness that can affect their arms or legs.
- Tingling or numbness in your arms, legs, hands, and feet: Numbness and tingling in your extremities are also familiar with MS — especially in your feet and legs. It can lead to balance and coordination problems when you’re walking or performing other tasks like driving or typing on a keyboard.
- Problems with coordination and balance: People with MS may have trouble balancing themselves without assistance when standing up from sitting down (called postural instability) or walking on uneven surfaces (called ataxia).
What does Burial Insurance with Multiple Sclerosis cover?
Funeral Expenses: This coverage will help you pay for all expenses related to finalizing your loved one’s funeral, including the cost of burial or cremation, floral arrangements, obituaries, and more.
Medical Bills and Outstanding Debt: This coverage can help pay off your loved one’s medical bills and any outstanding debt they may have, such as credit cards or a mortgage.
Lost Wages: If your loved one was the primary breadwinner in your family, this coverage could help replace their lost income so that you can continue to support yourself and your family.
Living Expenses: This coverage can help with the cost of living expenses, such as rent or mortgage payments, utilities, food, and more if your loved one was the primary source of income in your household.
Childcare expenses: This coverage can help with the cost of childcare if your loved one was the primary caregiver for children in your household.
Best insurance policy options for Multiple Sclerosis
Your degree of health and when you were diagnosed and treated will determine which type of plan you qualify for as an MS patient.
Diagnosis And Treatment More Than 2 Years
If your MS diagnosis and last treatment occurred more than 24 months ago, you would qualify for a level death benefit plan with first-day coverage. Our plan has no waiting period, and you’ll have full coverage from day one. Your beneficiaries will get 100% of the death benefit when you pass away.
Ideally, you would want a level death benefit plan with first-day coverage. It would ensure that your family is taken care of financially during your death.
Diagnosis And Treatment In Last 2 Years
Most companies would decline to cover your burial insurance if you were diagnosed with MS within the last 24 months because of your recent diagnosis.
That’s because your disease is unpredictable. According to insurance experts, the best coverage option for you and your loved ones is a policy that starts on the first day of illness, such as a first-day benefits plan.
You’ll be covered from the first day, and your death benefit will continue to be paid over time.
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Other Factors That Affect Eligibility
Home Health Care:
Having home health care is like needing help with activities of daily living. You’ll have to mention this during interviews for your final expense policy.
You can quickly get long-term health insurance if needed by investing in two-year waiting period coverage. And, with guaranteed acceptance, your application will always be accepted, and you’ll never have to worry about being denied. It is the best option for guaranteed issue burial insurance.
Help with daily activities:
If you need help with activities of daily living, it will affect how life insurance companies evaluate you. Activities of daily living include eating, bathing, toileting, dressing, transferring, and continence.
Each burial insurance company will inquire whether you require assistance with activities of daily living. Most of them will decline your application for initial coverage if you need help with basic daily tasks.
If you can’t find any other plans, you might want to consider buying a guaranteed issue or a guaranteed acceptance policy. Remember, when you are looking for burial insurance over 70 you will be more accessible to illness and disease.
These policies are for people who cannot get coverage from other plans due to medical conditions. They don’t check your health history, so they may be your only option.
Burial insurance that is a guaranteed issue may be slightly more expensive than a policy with a level death benefit, but it provides coverage without a waiting period.
If the policyholder dies during the waiting period, the beneficiary can receive a refund of all premiums paid plus interest.
Do I need a medical test to qualify for burial insurance with Multiple Sclerosis?
You don’t need to take a medical test to qualify for burial insurance if you have Multiple Sclerosis. You need to answer a few basic questions about your health when applying for funeral insurance.
There is no need to submit any medical reports or urine or blood samples when applying for insurance. The insurance provider will typically give you an official approval in minutes!
Burial Insurance Underwriting With multiple sclerosis
If you have multiple sclerosis (MS), you may be concerned about the possibility of becoming disabled and not being able to take care of yourself. If you are in good health, Burial insurance may be an option.
Burial insurance provides a lump sum payment for funeral expenses. Individuals usually purchase this policy with sufficient assets (savings) to pay for their funeral expenses but still want the peace of mind that comes from having protection against the unknowns involved with the death.
Burial insurance companies will assess your level of risk through underwriting. This process may involve asking you a series of health questions or reviewing your prescription history electronically, and your answers or history will help to determine your eligibility for coverage.
“Health-related” questionnaire
Life insurance policies available do not require a medical exam, known as burial insurance. Companies that offer this type of MS policy.
Some of the most common ways that MS is asked about in health questions:
- Have you ever been diagnosed with or treated for Multiple Sclerosis?
- “Within the last two years, have you been treated for or advised to seek treatment for multiple sclerosis?”
- Do you have any history of neurological or muscular disorders?
You will need to honestly answer the questions about multiple sclerosis if you have been diagnosed or are being treated for this condition.
Check Prescription History
You must be using at least one prescription drug to receive coverage for your condition. The drug must have been prescribed by a licensed physician to treat the condition.
Your doctor must also have provided the required treatment plan necessary to treat your condition and provided regular updates on your progress.
You may also need to provide documentation from your doctor confirming that you’ve been diagnosed with MS and that they are continuing to treat it appropriately.
Common medications for Multiple Sclerosis
- Aubagio
- Copaxone
- Betaseron
- Gilenya
- Avonex
- Extavia
- Novantrone
- Rebif
- Tysabri
- Tecfidera
Benefits of having burial insurance for multiple sclerosis
The benefits of having burial insurance for Multiple Sclerosis:
- It’s a great way to ensure that your family will be taken care of after you leave. Burial insurance can provide financial security for your loved ones during your death.
- Burial insurance can also help pay off any outstanding debts or medical bills, so your family doesn’t have to worry about paying them after you’re gone!
- Burial insurance can be used to leave a financial legacy for your loved ones. It can help give your loved one’s peace of mind knowing their financial future is taken care of.
- Multiple sclerosis can reduce life expectancy by up to 20 years. If you get sick tomorrow and die ten years later, your kids might not even be fully grown yet! In this scenario, burial insurance could help cover funeral expenses or college tuition for your children (if they need it).
- Benefits are paid directly to the provider of your choice and may vary based on individual situations and policies purchased by individual policyholders.
What Information Do We Need If You Have Multiple Sclerosis?
When applying for final expense insurance with multiple sclerosis, providing as much information as possible will give us a better understanding of your health condition. The questions we will ask you about your multiple Sclerosis history include:
- When were you diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis?
- What type of multiple sclerosis do you have?
- What is your current MS management plan?
- Have you had any relapses or flare-ups in the past year?
- What are your current symptoms?
- Do you anticipate any changes to your condition shortly?
- What medications are you taking to manage your condition?
- Are you working or receiving disability benefits?
- Do you need mobility aids such as canes, walkers, braces, wheelchairs, or scooters?
All this information will help us provide you with an accurate quote and the best possible coverage.
How To Find The Best Burial Insurance With Multiple Sclerosis
Regarding burial insurance, there are a few things to remember if you have Multiple Sclerosis. Here are a few tips on finding the best burial insurance plan for your needs.
Shop around and compare rates from different insurers. Make sure to get quotes from companies specializing in burial insurance and know how to work with those with pre-existing conditions.
Work with an independent insurance agent who can help you understand your options and find the best plan for you. They can help guide you through the process and ensure you get the coverage you need at a price you can afford.
Independent agents will know where to put you whether you have a 2yr look back for cancer or HIV/Aids.
Make sure the policy you choose has a death benefit that is large enough to cover your final expenses. It includes things like funeral costs, medical bills, and any outstanding debts you may have.
Be sure to read the policy carefully and understand what is covered and what is not. Some policies will only pay out if you die of natural causes, while others may also cover accidental deaths.
Contact an independent insurance agent today if you have any questions about your coverage or need help finding the best plan for your needs.
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Multiple sclerosis is a chronic condition that affects the central nervous system. It can cause muscle control, coordination, balance, vision, and speech problems. Burial insurance with multiple sclerosis covers funeral expenses for those diagnosed with MS and has a policy before their death.
You don’t have to feel frustrated when trying to find a multiple sclerosis policy; Funeral Funds can help make the process easier and quicker. Finding a policy for multiple sclerosis needn’t be a frustrating process; working with an independent agency like will make the process easier and quicker.
Don’t let finding a policy for multiple sclerosis be a frustrating process; work with an independent agency, and the process will be easier and quicker. We’re here to help you find the best possible plan for your needs and budget.
We’ll work with you every step to ensure you’re getting the most out of your coverage. Looking for insurance doesn’t have to be a hassle. Let us do the work for you so you can spend time on what’s important to you.
We work with several excellent insurance providers who specialize in offering coverage to high-risk clients like yourself. We will search for burial insurance companies that offer the best rates.
Monaco, L. (2022, May 22). The Truth About Burial Insurance with Pre Existing Conditions [2022 Review]. InsuranceForBurial.Com.